Where is your identity coming from; yourself, the world, your past, your job, your relationships, or is coming from the truth of God and who He says you are?
We daily have the challenge of either looking to others, the world or ourselves to define our identity, or choosing to view ourselves through the eyes of Christ and determining to develop a stronger God-centered identity.
It is in our alone time with the Lord, our God-relationship, that we come to know Him and as a result, ourselves. There is no substitute, no other relationship and no other thing that can direct us to the truth of who we are.
The Word is very clear on our identities and we need to imprint these truths on our hearts. Below are listed just a few of the truths we can rest in and meditate upon.
1. I am a Child of God (Rom 8:16)
2. I am pure, holy & free in Christ (1 Cor 1:30)
3. I am tenderly loved by God (Jeremiah 31:3)
4. I am saved by Grace through Faith (Eph 2:8)
5. I am fearfully, and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14)
6. I am an overcomer by the Blood of the Lamb & Word of His Testimony (Rev 12:11)
7. I am united to the Lord, one spirit with him (1 Cor 6:17)
8. I am being transformed by renewing my mind (Rom 12:1, 2)
9. I am getting all my needs met by Jesus (Phil 4:19)
Application: How will you apply these truths today?
by Chris
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