August 07, 2005


Not everyone's experience of healing is the same, just as we as individuals are not all the same. Some are healed instantly, while for others healing is a process they must walk out every day of their lives, much like the picture of the growth of a garden.

Just like a garden, there are times and seasons for everything.

Fruit trees grow in stages; first a bud, then a flower, then full fruit. For this to be achieved the sun must shine, the wind must blow and the rain must fall.

Every time and season in our lives is charged with its own particular challenges and opportunities. Morning by morning changes occur, and this suggests a lifelong attendance by God to the garden of our lives.

God's love and truth planted deep in our hearts will bear fruit and will change our lives from a desolate, barren desert to a fruitful garden, fragrant with the beauty of God.