May 17, 2005


it seems as time itself stopped
and hurt and pain remain
reminders of the past
what was and what was lost

will it never end
will the current take me
will the water engulf me
oh, will the answers ever come

yes, yes, when the dawn crests above the ridge
you will have the answers
when the light pierces through the night
you will know you've been heard

there will be peace in your heart
the revelation of wholeness
brokeness replaced with beauty
colors of a future yet unknown

the rains that come will be like balm
bringing growth and life
an end to the listlessness inside
joyousness will become reality

hold on, hold on,
wait 'til God opens the heavens
to reveal his glorious plans for you
hold on, hold on, for soon you will begin your dawn

~by cl 2005~

Today's Music: Hotel California