How to Get Sick: Use Artificial Sweeteners
As bad as sugar can be in its various forms, artificial sweeteners are worse! Some are downright deadly because of their carcinogenic properties. Also, they are used in such high-volume products as diet soft drinks and sugar-free foods. Chief among sinners is aspartame, which is marketed as NutraSweet or Equal. Renowned diabetes expert Dr. H. J. Roberts believes there is a clear scientific link between aspartame and increased incidence of brain tumors, seizure disorders, chronic headaches, and hyperactivity in children. As for saccharin, the "cancer-causing" warning labels still apply. The newcomer on the block is sucralose (used in Splenda), but the jury of scientific research still seems to be awaiting further testimony on this one.
The Safer Sweetener Choice
When looking for a healthy sweetener, honey is the best choice. One of the Bible's healing foods, honey, when eaten in its raw and unheated form, retains a storehouse of naturally occurring enzymes and bee pollen.
*Note: Honey is not recommended for children less than 2 years old to prevent the very rare "infant botulism".
Source: the maker's diet
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