Lift My Voice
This day I wanted to lift my voice to the Heavens to sing praises to the Lord for bringing me to the Cross, for lifting my eyes off of myself and directing them to the Son so my sin filled life could be revealed and my need for the Savior could be seen.
May the work of the Holy Spirit within my heart be praised, so full of grace and tenderness as to soften me to repentance, to a place of realness where I could truly see the love God had for me when he sent His Son to die for my sins, the worlds sins. Oh how I praise the work of the Cross - The ultimate sacrifice of send His beautiful, perfect, Son Jesus -- just for this sin filled person!!!
How I love Him so, how beautiful is His love, how precious is His care for each and every one of us! How I thank Him for pursuing me even when I have disappointed Him so very much, Thank God for never giving up on me, for never turning your back...thank you for running and opening your arms to me when I called your name.
May you be magnified for all eternity and beyond, may your love call me to action when there is a lost soul that comes into my life and may this life that you saved from the pit of hell count for you and only you! I love you my God, my Friend, my Heavenly Father.
Your forever child, Chris