My closed off heart
As I sat here thinking of what to talk about tonight, I became sorrowful in my spirit. Why do you ask? Well simply because I have closed the Lord out of certain parts of my heart.
"I love the Lord with all of my heart", really? Well...all of my heart I will share with Him. After having a friend over today I had to admit that there are still parts of my heart I close off to the Lord. So often I have said, "Lord, come, search me and know me, cleanse me, mold me, shape me, form me, make me into the person you want me to be." But then, when it hurts too much or I feel ashamed, I take back the deed to my heart. I shut him out of the very places I need him to come and do the work that only He can do.
So I sit here, tears in my eyes, sorrow in my soul and a renewed willingness to say, "Lord, here I am - do with me as you will." Take all of my heart, my mind and my soul - let no part be hidden from you, I am trusting you with all of me. "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (Psalm 51:12 NIV)
There is much that needs to be done in my heart; pain and memories that only you Jesus can take and use for your purpose. I pray that in your strength I am able to release what I have been holding onto so that I may walk in the purpose and identity that your Word says is mine. The old is gone the new has come, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus - the author and perfecter of faith!
Thank you for letting me share my heart with you and with God. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1Jo 1:9(ESV